Sunday, December 16, 2012

Returning to the Blogosphere!

Back in September, I put my blog on hiatus, saying that I would be back in January.  I can't quite stay away that long... I'll be returning a week early!

Reasons for Returning:

  1. My fall graduate course is completed.  It was even more work than I expected, but I have several posts scheduled where I'll be sharing writing tips gained from this class.  (One big post on pacing and another big post on emotions as well as a few other little posts on other topics.)  
  2. One of my favorite times of year in the blogosphere is when everyone posts their favorite reads of the year.  I want to be able to participate in the discussion of the best books of 2012, as there were some GREAT ones!  And I want to make sure there weren't any excellent books that I missed!
  3. I've made some outstanding progress on my novel and have established a solid writing routine.  Without the strains of a graduate class, I'm confident I'll be able to finish a first draft before winter is over while balancing a blogging routine.
  4. Blogging helps me reflect on my reading and identify the traits I admire in other writers so that I can incorporate those traits into my own writing.  I also use my blog to reflect on my own writing process.  This thoughtful reflection is a necessary part of my writing process, and if I can't do it for a graduate class, then my blog will be my tool.
  5. I have a fun announcement... that will be its own post... coming soon...
I can't wait to return to the blogging!  Stay tuned for book reviews, writing posts, and maybe even a few memes... Can't wait to reconnect with people!  Look for me in your comments!


  1. Yay! I'm glad you're back. Also... dying for your announcement!

  2. You're back, you're back!! Awesome news about the progress on your novel! And now, of course, I am incredibly curious about this announcement....


I love discussing books and writing with people, so thank you for taking the time to comment!

If you leave a link to your blog, I will always try to comment back :)